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My Favourite Quotes from Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Loved Daisy Jones & The Six? Here are the 13 best quotes from the book that will take you back into the early 70s Los Angeles.

Daisy Jones is a girl coming of age in L.A. in the late sixties. She's beauty, she's grace, she has the kind of voice that receives much praise.

The Six, a band started by the Dunne Brothers, Billy and Graham, but later led by Billy Dunne, is getting noticed by producers. They've started touring around the country, landing gigs bigger than the previous ones. On the eve of their first tour, Billy's girlfriend, Camila, finds out she's pregnant. Faced with the newfound success of his band and the pressure of his impending fatherhood, Billy does questionable things while he's on tour.

Daisy and Billy cross paths when a producer finds that the way to reach immeasurable success is by combining the two stars together. Daisy Jones & The Six soon become full-blown rockstars, topping the charts and playing sold-out arenas.

Their music made them famous but their breakup made them legends. In Daisy Jones & The Six, we find out what really happened between the band members that led to their sudden disbandment.

Daisy Jones & The Six was a decent read. It had an interesting storyline but it failed to swoon me in the end result. That being said, I also really disliked the writing style. It was difficult for me to get into and kept me at a distance from the characters. However, this dialogue writing style makes for great quotes.

There were a lot of meaningful words that touched my soul, as a music lover. Something I will not doubt about Taylor Jenkins Reid is her ability to put emotions into words so perfectly. If you took the dialogue apart one by one, it's actually a really beautiful read.

So, here are some of my favourite quotes from Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

Were there any of your favourite quotes that I've missed out on? Let me know what are your favourite quotes from Daisy Jones & The Six.

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